Saturday, May 19, 2007

From Walla Walla to the Bada-Bing

At various times in my life, I've wanted to become an actor, a novelist, a comic-book writer, etc. I did not become any of those things; but I'm amazed at how several of the people I've known have wanted to become a figure in the arts -- and then went on to do it. They did become published novelists, successful comic book writers -- and yes, actors.

Into the latter category falls a friend of mine from Sharpstein Elementary School and Walla Walla High School, Mike Walsh. When we were in Sixth Grade together, Mike was into films, theater and cartooning; and wanted to be an animator and an actor. Several years ago, he worked as a TV animator in LA; and he is now living in New York and acting under the stage name of Mickey Pizzo.
I saw him in the credits of last Sunday's episode of the Sopranos (you know, the one where Tony Soprano establishes that he is the most selfish bastard ever to be depicted as the lead of a TV show, one who will do anything to eliminate an inconvenience . . . . ) It's always a shocking paradigm shift for me to see someone I actually know join the little people inside the glowing TV box.

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