Thursday, September 21, 2006

Kauai Giveth; Kauai Taketh Away

A mishap occurred in our Kauai vacation yesterday, when a delightful horseride/hike resulted in injury to Your Humble Servant. My saddle slipped down one side (due, according to the stable master, to my not being centered -- I knew I shoulda taken those meditation classes); the horse bucked and galloped; and I went airborne. Fortunately, I did not share Christopher Reeve's fate. My only injury was my right wrist, which sustained what the radiologist called a "subtle" fracture of the radius head. I can still type (obviously) but I'm wearing a splint.

Second mishap occurred this morning. I went out on a catamaran with Amy and her sister, Helen (who's staying with us in the condo) to the Na Pali coast (but alas, not to snorkle as planned, due to the wrist). As we raced over the waves, the wind snatched up the baseball cap I bought iin Kona on the Big Island in 1999, and returned it to Hawaiian Islands, albeit the watery portion.

More photos soon.


Mike Barer said...

Well hope you aren't hurting to badly, how is the horse doing?

Danny Barer said...

The horse was ok. I got back on him and rode him to the corral.

Mike Barer said...

The Duke would have been proud!