Sunday, October 08, 2006

Harry Potter's Lonely Hearts Club Banned

In this age of war, turmoil, and intolerance, it's almost refreshingly quaint that this person has petitioned the United States Government and the United Nations to ban Harry Potter books. To quote the petitioner:

"But what lurks behind those pages, it more evil then Harry Potter himself. Please help us band harry potter and read some of the comments made by children who have read these dreadful books."

Yep, kids can learn nasty stuff from the Potter books -- like how to proofread, spell, capitalize, and include necessary verbs.

1 comment:

Donald Burr of Borg said...

"Please help us band Harry Potter..."

I can just see it now. Harry on lead vocals, Ron on guitars, Hermoine (sp?) on drums, ...

- Donald (Burr of Borg)