Saturday, June 10, 2006

Supporting the Family Business

As a good Barer, I make an effort to buy the books my relatives write (although it's not an exhaustive effort -- buying every Lee Goldberg book ever published might exhaust my 401k). Here's my latest acquisition, and certainly one of the hardest to acquire in the U.S.: My cousin Burl Barer's novelization of last year's movie STEALTH, published only in Japan.

I don't pretend that my two years of college Japanese will enable me to read more than a few words of even this slim tome; but I do recognize that the katakana on the cover just under the English word "Stealth" is a phonetically-spelled "Ba-ru Bey-ah-ra-," which is as close as you'll come in Japanese syllabries to "Burl Barer."


Anonymous said...

I wish you could read it in full -- i am sooo curious as to how they translated/adapted some of my material.


Anonymous said...

I am impressed that you found it! I bought my dad a copy (so he would have one) when I was in Japan on business last year. It was hard to find even there - of course I am saying that speaking no Japanese at all so everythign was hard to find ;)